Monday, May 19, 2008

for the project i presented the liberal side of capital punishment. they are against it because they see it as a cruel act of vengence where innocent people are often victims. death penalty is more pricy due to court expenses and homocide rates are higher in states that enforce the death penalty. "if you are not prepared to support a system that is going to execute an innocent person some day, you better not vote to support htat system." i think that quote says it all. it has killed innocent victims in the past and will inevitably kill innocent victims in the future. people can be set up to look like theyre the murderer when they were really part of a large scheme against them. they can also simply be in the wrong place at the wrong time. if youre willing to support something that kills innocent people, go for it. you may think that the pros of killing the many guilty outweighs the cons of killing the few innocents, but liberals think one innocent life outweighs 1000 guilty lives.
im pretty liberal on this issue as well. i think the death penalty is kinda outdated and flawed but not cruel. personally if i murdered someone, i'd rather face the death penalty than the "life penalty." living behund bars with brutal inmates for the rest of my life does not sound appealing. the problem is that not all people feel that way. the guilty murderer may actually prefer to live a long life in jail. maybe they want to write down their thoughts and observations in hope of leaving a mark on society. maybe they have loved ones that they still want to communicate with during visiting hours. i feel that the family of the murdered victim would be satisfied knowing that the murderer is dead, but maybe even more satisfied knowing theyre alive and living a dreadful and tedious life. so i kind of fall in the middle on this issue. maybe the choice should not be up to the jury, but rather up to the family of the murdered victim, or maybe even the prisoner?

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