Tuesday, April 8, 2008

cycle of cool

"It's a shame that the people who are listening to you the most are only interested in you because they want you and your peers to buy their product."
this is true, genius, and evil. The companies make you feel cool, take you in for a few questions, then turn everybody else into you so you lose what made you cool in the first place. In the process they make lots of money. I think its interesting how it actually works like that. I dont think its unfair though its kinda like its part of a natural cycle of "cool." The trend has to die eventually so new trends can sprout. The one who can somehow beat these marketers at their game is the true Cool Kid.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Lets pretend we dont exist...

Its hard to point out just one Of Montreal song but one of my favorites is Wraith Pinned to the Mist. its simple poetic and chill:

Let’s have bizarre celebrations
Let’s forget who forget what forget where
We’ll have bizarre celebrations
I’ll play the Satyr in Cypris you the bride being stripped bare

Let’s pretend we don’t exist
Let’s pretend we’re in Antartica

Let’s have bizarre celebrations
Lets forget when forget what forget how
We’ll have bizarre celebrations
We’ll play Tristan and Izolde but make sure I see white sails

Maybe I’ll never die
I’ll just keep growing younger with you
And you’ll grow younger too
now it seems too lovely to be true
but I know the best things always do

let’s pretend we don’t exist
let’s pretend we’re in Antartica

this song is kind of about a getaway or escape from every days problems. lets just sit back and relax and pretend we dont exist. if we dont exist, we can have celebrations about the world around us rather than complain about whatever tough situation we're in. antarctica has two connoations as it is a cold place. it means lets pretend we're cool if were feeling kinda lame and unwanted. and lets cool down if we're pissed off at something.

this song definately has to do with my personality and way with dealing with things. i do celebrate bizzare things that others dont really take note of. whenever im really mad or sad im usually able get away for a while and think about a solution and come back cool refreshed. i guess i never really considered this song having much to do with me or way of life besides the shirt i wear that says "i dont exist." i got the shirt before i heard this song.